Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Why you need to use WordPress and Shopify together

Why you need to use WordPress and Shopify together

BlogaShop PRO

Blogashop Pro
So if you’re doing anything on the e-commerce front, you
probably have a few questions that go something like this:
“If I’m already using Shopify, then why should I use WordPress
to manage a Shopify blog?”
“I’m already busy enough using the Shopify e-commerce
platform, what the heck do I need with some blogging stuff
that’s going to take up more of my time?”
I get it. I honestly do.
See, when we all started this ‘online thing’ it was
for the purpose of true freedom. And society is so
fixed that you can’t have that without money and
So that’s why you started your very own e-commerce
business right?
However, by not adding the power of WordPress with
Shopify is like having a nice rich piece of chocolate
cake drizzled with hot fudge, topped with a heaping of
decadent whip cream and a cherry on top.
But when you get it, someone has eaten half of it
and left the same fork. (I can’t stand that…)
Sure, you’ll enjoy the cake, but you’ll never have
the full experience of ALL of the sweetness
of that cake could provide for you and your tastebuds.
Now imagine every time you ordered cake or bought
it from the store, half of it was already eaten.
So now you’re stuck forever knowing that no matter
what you do, you’ll only enjoy the benefits of half
of the cake.
And that’s what this is like.
Just using the Shopify platform by itself is sure to
provide you with some riches and even ‘sweet’ success
here and there.
But friend, you’re only getting half the cake.
And that’s why you need to combine WordPress and
Shopify together so you get the FULL benefit of what
your Shopify store could really be.
See, whether you’re using YouTube ads or even Facebook
ads, you’re sure to get some instant traffic and can even
see if a product is selling on your Shopify store.
But when you add the WordPress component and attach it
to your Shopify store, you now go into something that an
ad can never do.
And that’s add a bit of a personal touch.
A personal touch where you can actually communicate with
your potential customers AND have a ‘stickiness’ where they
repeat coming back to your site and purchasing new and
related items.
Once they see or click on the ad, they’re gone forever.
But on a blog? They get it edged in their mind and in some
if not most cases, come back for regularly updated content
that helps them with a need in the market.
And when you connect with them that way? Profits are sure
to follow.
Plus, it’s all traffic you’ll receive at no cost so your ROI
goes through the roof.
But doing all of this can take a ton of time and money to
get it just right.
Until now.
I want to show you how you can still add that personal touch
to your e-commerce store and increase your traffic and sales
in the process.
Take a look here and you’ll see exactly what I mean.
More Blogashop Info:

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