Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Roofer Consulting - Social Home Services: Roofers Edition - Roofer Consulting - Social Home Services: Roofers Edition

Roofer Consulting

Roofer Consulting

The Perfect Foot-In-The-Door! Pick Up High Paying Clients on Autopilot

Roofer Consulting - This product will give customers high-quality PLR social media images and training for the Roofers niches offering services to local businesses.

Jeanne Kolenda is unveiling her latest strategy
for adding HUNDREDS of dollars to your monthly revenue and she’s
done almost all the work for you.
It’s the best Set-And-Forget system I’ve ever seen!
It’s called Social Home Services and you’ll see just how simple this system is.
It’s not pie-in-the-sky or untested theory…Jeanne has been doing this for the better
part of a year, and she’s the real deal!
She has an agency in Myrtle Beach, SC but serves clients (primarily roofers) all
over the US.
It takes about 2 hours to set up, and she never touches it again…just collects from
$100 - $200 monthly on autopilot.

I know this sounds too good to be true…but it’s NOT!

Roofer Consulting

Jeanne Kolenda, owns an agency in South Carolina, and is in the trenches with her clients every day. She primarily services roofers. Roofing is one of the highest paying niches out there, and she’s the absolute Queen of Roofing Marketing.
But hey…even she knows you can’t land the big ones all the time. So, she went to work to design a system that would allow her to cash in on ANY roofing company, no matter how large or small, and even if they’re paying someone else for SEO and other marketing services.
It had to be something that was low cost for the client.
It had to be something that once set up, would require NO time
each month to fulfill.
It had to be something that could be set on autopilot (including the payments!)
BINGO! She hit it out of the park. It’s called Social Posting.
Now, the problem with this is having the content to post, and then knowing how to automate it, right?
Jeanne is offering you 180 beautiful, professionally designed Facebook memes that can be branded to a client (or not) and she’s offering you FULL training on how to set this up so you never have to touch it again.

Consulting To Roofers

Jeanne Kolenda, has figured it out! It’s a process of “stacking” some smaller services, leading up to the BIG sale.
And she’s gone one step further – she cracked the code for her beloved roofing industry and she’s tested this process for almost a year, and finally decided to package up what she’s learned and offer it to others.
She calls it “Social Home Services” and I’ve never seen anything so dead simple to put together and start using. It takes about 2 hours to set up (and she gives you FULL training), and then – she shows you how to put it on an Auto-Posting service, and literally FORGET IT! On the sales page, you’ll see proof of how she collects payments month after month, with NO further efforts at fulfillment.
Now, some of these roofing companies just continue to pay for the Social Posting and don’t become clients on a larger scale. Fine! Little payments add up!
Other companies, after seeing the quality of work Jeanne does, have contacted her to give them proposals for other services.
Either way, it’s a WIN-WIN!
On the sales page, there is a video Jeanne made, kind of like a “fireside chat” where she tells you all about it.

Click over there now…you owe it to yourself to check this out.

Roofer Consulting Upgrades:

Front End. On the Front-end the Customer Will Receive Complete High-Quality PLR Social Media Images in the Roofers Niche at three price points - $27 - 60 images, $47 - 120 images, or $67 - 180 images.

Up-sell #1. This is the Roofers Toolkit at $47

Up-sell #2. This is for Local Client Systems and Local Social System (Complete Products: Front-End and Up-Sells) for $67

Creating Recurring Revenue with NO Ongoing Fulfillment is NO LONGER a Dream!

Roofer Consulting

The Perfect Foot-In-The-Door! Pick Up High Paying Clients on Autopilot
#ConsultingToRoofers, #LeadsForRoofers, #RooferConsulting, #RooferServices, #Roofers, #SeoConsultingForRoofers

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