Monday, March 18, 2019

Facebook Bot Raider Review, Bonus From Luther Landro - Facebook Bot Raider Review, Bonus From Luther Landro

Facebook Bot Raider

Facebook Bot Raider

Review, Mega Bonus Pack at Download Area

Facebook Bot Raider - Local biz owners are paying $2,000 per month For these Facebook Messenger bots:

Over the past year, Luther Landro has been working with a group of consultants on offering Facebook Messenger bots to small businesses.

We"ve been figuring this out together through trial and error, making every mistake possible along the way. This has cost us time, money, and embarrassment along the way.

A year of struggle had led us to a Messenger Bot strategy that not only works but is easy for new consultants to duplicate. This "bot formula" allows you to short cut the learning curve, and get started profitably with:

Bots that clients love and are eager to pay $2,000 a month to have...

Bots that deliver on the promise and keep clients happily paying month after month...

Bots that Facebook always approves, so we never risk getting ourselves or our clients banned from the platform.

Why figure all this out on your own when you can follow in the footsteps of someone who has been there?

YOU can avoid all the pitfalls, all the mistakes, and short cut your path to success by following a proven path.

He has compiled everything we have learned over the last year, everything that has worked, and more importantly, everything that hasn"t worked into a done-for-you business in a box that will allow you to start selling bots profitably from day one.

We call this package:

Facebook Bot Raider.

Facebook Bot Raider is a step by step program that anyone can use to earn $2,000 per month from local businesses by selling and managing facebook messenger bots.

Land clients with Facebook Bot Raider in 3 simple steps:

Bot Raider Step 1: Identify the most receptive, ready to cut a check for bots business owners.

The first step is to pick the businesses you will be selling too. After pitching thousands of business we have identified "patterns" in the ones that say yes, and the ones that say no.

A simple search pattern directly on Facebook is all it takes to find the most receptive local business prospects BEFORE you start selling any bots.

This is a sniper"s sales approach as opposed to the usual machine gun method... Carefully lining up your shot for the perfect target before you pull the trigger, rather than mass spamming like some sales machine gun hoping you hit your mark. (Targeting the right prospects is the REAL secret to closing 1 in 5 as clients)

Bot Raider Step 2: Create a demo bot to do the selling for you.

Messenger bots can help clients land new customers... They can also be used to help YOU sell new clients.

We"ve worked out the perfect bot sales funnel that demonstrates the benefits directly to the client and uses a pre-written sales pitch to close the deal. This bot will handle the client"s payments as well, so you only have to deal with them after you"ve been paid.

Bots are created using a drag and drop builder, and I"ve included a full walkthrough that will have you building your first bot in under an hour (You"re also getting the contact information of outsourcers I use personally to build my client"s bots.)

NO coding needed...

NO web hosting or other technical stuff...

NO previous experience needed...

Building bots are easy and also fun! After you set up your first bot, you"ll enjoy coming up with new ideas, building them out, and seeing your bots come to life.

Bot Raider Step 3: Message business owners on Facebook and let the bot do the work!

Once you have identified the best prospects and set up a demo bot your job is done!

Just send the pre-written message out to the prospect and let the bot do all the selling and payment handling for you.

Each of the 3 steps have been put into a "raider" checklist format
making it easy for you to follow and get right every time.

Luther Landro"s "raider" checklist series has been the best selling and best-reviewed products that I"ve ever released. Customers from all walks of life are seeing results:

Facebook Bot Raider

Review, Mega Bonus Pack at Download Area
#Advertising, #Bots, #Consulting, #Facebook, #FacebookBotRaider, #FacebookBotRaiderBonus, #FacebookBotRaiderReview, #LutherLandro

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